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 . bg ski news
05 Април 2011 - 16:11
World Skitest 2011/2012 Zell am See/Schmitten (+VIDEO)
29th of March till 1st of April, 2011, Zell am See/Kaprun - Schmittenhoehe
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WORLD SKI TEST. This year for the second time - after 2008 - Zell am See/Kaprun - Schmittenhöhe was the venue for the WST. The village, Organizer Gerhard Brüggler and Olympic Winner and Head of the Test Franz Klammer cordially welcomed lots of ski aficionados (enthusiasts), there to test about 200 Skis for the next 2011/2012 winter season. And the condition were perfect for our testing team - sunny weather, great pists and the hospitality of the people in Zell am See.

Andreas Linger and Franz Klammer

This year the following persons joint the WST in Zell am See: from the successful Austrian Ski Team two-time World Champion Elizabeth (Lizz) Görgl, Stephan Görgl, Bernadette Schild, Joachim Puchner, Gabi Holaus, from the Austrian Toboggan Team two-time Olympic Champion Andreas Linger, from the Austrian Ski-Cross Team Katrin Ofner as former athlets like Olympic Champion Fritz Strobl, World Champion Hannes Trinkl, former top athlete and now fashion maker Marc Girardelli, Michaela Gerg-Leitner, Josef Strobl, Stefanie Schuster, Ingrid Salvenmoser, Elisabeth Kirchler, Frank Wörndl, Stefan Stankaller. But also international racers come to Zell am See like: Olympic Champion Viktoria Rebensburg, Jure Košir, Fritz Dopfer and Anna Jelusic. Support from the entertainmaint sector: NikP and Herr Tischbein.

Elizabeth (Lizz) Görgl

Jure Košir

Joachim Puchner

Anna Jelusic

Andreas Linger

Gerhard Brüggler

Rudi Omann

Gerhard Brüggler

The WorldSkitest Test Team was topped of many interesting people form the economy like: Wolfgang Lesiak (Post AG), Kurt Brandstätter (T-Mobile Austria), Dominik Fenkl (Ziener), Gerhard Piroutz (Woody-Schuhe), Fritz Ortbauer (Intersport Eybl), Roman Stepek (MountainForce), Diethard Trabauer (PMI Austria), Hannes Wille (Scott), Franz Apfler (Colmar), Cornelia Schwenk (Kjus) and many more plus numerous national and international media partners.

Another highlight was the WorldSkitest FashionShow organized from Rudi Omann on Wednesday evening. Top-class fashion brands presented the fashion for the next season. You also need the perfect outfit to the perferct Ski!!!!

Brilliant Liveacts from Herr Tischbein during the Show entertained our WST Team. After the WST FashionShow our Testers were invited to the great Liveact from Anna F.


In order to give the consumer an as accurate as possible support for the buying process – different categories have been tested by about 200 pros and highly advanced amateur skiers representing wide ranged “ski competence”. Active as well as former World Cup Stars and Olympic Champions and experienced amateurs tested the latest models thoroughly.

The WorldSkitest is generally done as a “blind test” as every pair of ski is getting taped with black tape and is therefore made unrecognizable. Bindings are adjusted by the WorldSkitest service team.

After every run the test person had to fill out an evaluation sheet and give points from 1 to 10: short turns, long turns, edge grip, maneuverability and general effort.

Categories: Men Race Slalom, Men Allround, Ladies High Performance, Ladies Allround, AllMountain, TwinTip, Youth Giant Slalom, Youth Twin Tip and the category for innovations and new tecnologies - OpenSpace.

And also the Design is important for the WST - in the Design Contest SnowStyle.

All results will be officially published in October 2011 - punctually to the start of the Alpine Ski World Cup season in Sölden...


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