АЛПИЙСКИ СКИ. Федерацията по ски на Гърция търси треньор за гръцкия национален отбор по ски алпийски дисциплини. Крайният срок за подаване на заявления е 27-ми юни 2011 г. Следва оригиналното обявление, изпратено ни от Гръцката ски федерация.
Greek Ski Federation seeks a coach for the national alpine teams
Hellenic (Greek) Ski Federation sight to recruit a Coach for its National Alpine ski team. The ideal candidate should have a valid diploma of his home country as a Trainer of A or B Level and speak fluent English. Knowledge of Greek would be an asset.
Candidates should send their Diploma and CV in English:
- by post to Hellenic Ski Federation, Karageorgi Servias 7, GR - 105 63 ATHENS - GREECE
- or electronically (attachments in pdf format) to info@eox.gr
Deadline for reception of candidacies: 27/06/2011
Recruitment procedure should be completed by 8/07/2011