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25 Ноември 2011 - 15:58
Марит Бьорген спечели за втора поредна година спринта в Куусамо
Швед с първа победа в Световната купа по ски бягане
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СКИ БЯГАНЕ СВЕТОВНА КУПА. Шведът Теодор Петерсон спечели първата си победа в Световната купа по ски бягане, след като триумфира в спринта на 1,4 км в Куусамо (Финландия).

Teodor Peterson, photo: Felgenhauer/NordicFocus

Петерсон пресече финиша за 2 минути и 50,7 секунди. Той беше с 0,5 секунди по-бърз от Никита Крюков от Русия. Трети остана Ойстен Петерсен от Норвегия.

Трикратната олимпийска шампионка Марит Бьорген от Норвегия спечели женския спринт на 1,2 км за втора поредна година. Тя водеше през цялата дистанция и завърши за 2:50,1 минути. Втора се нареди Шарлоте Кала от Швеция - на 2,1 секунди. Третото място зае Вибеке Скофтеруд от Норвегия.

Podium Ladies - Charlotte Kalla, Marit Bjoergen and Vibeke Skoferud, photo: Felgenhauer/NordicFocus

Утре предстоят състезанията на 10 км класически стил при мъжете и 5 км класически стил при жените. В неделя пък е мъжкото преследване на 15 км и женското на 10 км.

25 Ноември 15:26

Marit Bjoergen wins classical sprint in Kuusamo

CROSS-CONTRY SKI, WORLD CUP. Marit Bjoergen of Norway remains unbeatable also this season. The Norwegian sensation dominated today's stage 1 of Ruka Triple. Bjoergen proved again that she is a true allrounder, strong in all race formats and both techniques. Bjoergen went through the qualification easily with 5th best time. Bjoergen did save some reserves and got through all the way to the final without a problem.

In the finals Bjoergen took over the initiative from Finland's Anne Kylloenen in the second half of the 1.2 km track. The Queen of the World Championships in Oslo launched an attack and only Sweden's Charlotte Kalla followed the pace. On the stadium Marit Bjoergen came to the finish line unchallenged and with her typical smile on her face. Charlotte Kalla defended second place. Vibeke Skofterud who won the qualifification had a strong finish and defeated attacking Kikkan Randall of USA.

Marit Bjoergen took the lead in the Ruka Triple and won 60 bonus seconds. Vibeke Skofterud is currently second +4.5 sec behind. Charlotte Kalla is third +8.5 seconds behind the leader. Ruka Triple continues tomorrow with 5 km Free technique Individual Start.

Marit Bjoergen, NOR
I am happy with today’s race. I didn’t know my sprint shape before this but I see it is good. Tomorrow I want go very fast and reach the podium again. Everything is possible.

Charlotte Kalla, SWE
I didn’t expect this good race when I woke up in the morning. I see me, Marit and Vibeke are in very good shape now.

Vibeke Skofterud, NOR
I am surprised and very happy because this is my first victory in racing in senior class.  I am stronger than ever and I have more control on my skiing this year.

Teodor Peterson storms to sprint victory in stage 1 of Ruka Triple

Sweden's Teodor Peterson wins the men's sprint, stage 1 of the three day event Ruka Triple. It was a lucky day today for Teodor Peterson. The young Swede of Aasarna IK ski club won his first competition on World Cup level, having dominated the Stage 1 of Ruka Triple - Classical Sprint.

Peterson started slowly and qualified with 24th fastest time. In the finals he was confronted with some of the World's best sprinters. Olympic champions Nikita Kriukov and Oystein Pettersen. Surprise of the day was also local hero Anssi Pentsinen who won qualification earlier today and went all the way through to the finals.

Peterson attacked before the climb to the stadium and was able to open a gap on Pettersen and Kriukov. Strong finish of the Russian edged out Petersen to the third place. For Oeystein "Poelsa" Pettersen today's third palce represents first podium result since third place in Düsseldorf last year.

In spite of today's victory Teodor Peterson is not in the lead of the Ruka Triple. Nikita Kriukov is the current leader. The Russian was in total 5,5 seconds faster in the prologue then Peterson and therefore with his bonus seconds of 56 he is now 0,5 seconds ahead of the Swede in the overall mini tour ranking.

Teodor Peterson SWE
I was lucky today. Two good races before final made me fast in the end. Tomorrow I will do my best but I don’t have the same expectations than today.

Nikita Kriukov RUS
I am very glad because the race was very good. Now I am the leader of the Triple Tour and of course it is very good for me. I will try Tour de Ski but I am focusing on sprint races.

Oystein Pettersen NOR
Very good race for me today. Last year I had lots of expectations but this year I try to be more relaxed.  Tomorrow I will have my first long-distance race for years. I have heard that tracks here are very easy, so it will be lots of fun tomorrow (laugh).
Friday 25 November 2011


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