03 July 2012 - 13:00 Salomon Zugspitz Ultratrail 2012
ПЛАНИНСКО БЯГАНЕ, ULTRATRAIL (SKI.BG) -- Световноизвестната и живописно красива планинска верига Цугшпице е чудесен декор за едно уникално състезание по планинско бягане. Цугшпице винаги е била особено предизвикателство за любителите на планинските спортове. Със своите 2962 метра, тове е най-високата планина в Германия, от която катерачите и планинарите могат да изпитат истинска наслада от спиращите дъха панорами над облаците.
Photo: Lars Schneider / schneider outdoor visions
Скорогодците - любители на природата, планинските бегачи, атлетите маратонци, нордик уолкинг спортистите, състезателите по триатлон и трейлрънерите за втори пореден път имаха възможността да опитат да се преборят с предизвикателството да покорят Цугшпице по фантастичните пътеки около върха. "Да откриеш докъде стигат твоите граници, да достигнеш своите цели, да опознаеш природата" - в това се състои особеният чар на SALOMON ZUGSPITZ ULTRATRAIL, провел се миналия уийкенд (23-ти юни 2012 г.) със старт-финал в курорта Grainau в подножието на Цугшпице.
Във второто издание на надпреварата по планинско бягане около първенеца на най-високата планина в Германия естествено отново участваха едни от най-добрите трейлрънери от отбора на Salomon. Французинът Julien Chorier беше лидер от старта до финала на 100-километровата ултратрейл дистанция и логично победи, без да бъде застрашен по никакъв начин от своите конкуренти... Същевременно младият германски бегач Philipp Reiter успя да повтори успеха си от миналата година, спечеливайки 69-километровия супертрейл за време по-малко от 7 часа и също така с голяма преднина спрямо останалите. Следват подробностите на английски език...
23.06.2012 по материали на Salomon Running / Zugspitzultratrail Фотография: Kelvin Trautman / Klaus Fengler / Lars Schneider
Photo: Lars Schneider / schneider outdoor visions
Photo: Klaus Fengler / klausfengler.de
Photo: Klaus Fengler / klausfengler.de
Julien Chorier, Photo: Lars Schneider / schneider outdoor visions
Julien Chorier, Photo: Lars Schneider / schneider outdoor visions
Photo: Lars Schneider / schneider outdoor visions
Javier Rodrigo, Photo: Lars Schneider / schneider outdoor visions
Shinaya Yamada, Photo: Lars Schneider / schneider outdoor visions
The winner Julien Chorier, Photo: Klaus Fengler / klausfengler.de
Photo: Klaus Fengler / klausfengler.de
The winner Julien Chorier, Photo: Lars Schneider / schneider outdoor visions
Results of the second SALOMON ZUGSPITZ ULTRATRAIL 2012
Julien Chorier claims first place overall on the Ultratrail loop around the Zugspitze
No newbie to Ultratrail racing, Julien Chorier of France laid down the gauntlet right from the start by setting a blistering pace and setting himself off the vanguard field. The 31-year-old Team Salomon racer managed to extend that lead to 14 minutes by day's end – having spent an exhausting 11:55.37 hours on the trail by the time he raced through the finish banner.
Chorier commented on his victory „The course was not too steep which suited me well. In turn, I could run pretty much the whole distance. But I wouldn't have guessed once during the race that my lead was going to be that big.“ While Chorier's time stopped just short of 12 hours total, it did not touch last-year's record set by Spaniard Miguel Heras (10:55.19 Stunden).
Running to second-place was Constantin Pade (GER) of Team Dynafit. The 25 year-old covered the 100-kilometer loop in a whopping 12:41.17 hours. This blistering performance gained him a 26-minute lead over Thomas Wagner (AUT) who was third to arrive in 13:07.54 hours.
Results of the 2012 Ultratrail Categories
The Ultratrail race sported four race categories, including Men, Women, Master Men (40+ years and Senior Men (50+ years). The three fastest times overall in the 2012 race were all delivered by racers in the Men category (see above).
Among the Master Men an overjoyed Daniel Ulrich (SUI) was first to arrive back in Grainau after 14:11.54 hours. Andreas Panthen (GER), the fastest racer of the Senior Master Men covered the century race in 15:11.07 hours.
Ildiko Wermescher (HUN) was the dominant female racer in the 2012 Zugspitz Ultratrail. The 47-year-old Hungarian crossed the finish line in just 14:09.03 hours, nearly three minutes ahead of the fastest Senior Master Men. Wermescher had been pursued closely by Andrea Calmbach (GER) until the last gruesome climb when she finally managed to shake off the posse in a courageous dash for victory. Calmbach, persistently on Wermescher's heels throughout the race, reached the finish in second place clocking in at 14:18.36 hours. Antje Schuhaj (GER) arrived third after 16:27.50 hours completing the podium in the women category.
Note: There was single Women category on account of relatively few female competitors.
Philipp Reiter proving unbeatable – once again - on the Zugspitz Supertrail
Twenty-year-old trail racing talent Philip Reiter participated in the 2012 Zugspitz Supertrail race with the mission to defend his champion title. The „Sorcerer's Apprentice“, as Reiter is affectionately called by friends and supporters, handily managed to achieve what he had come for on the 68.8 kilometer course around the Zugspitze Range on the German-Austrian border. After leaving Leutsch-Weidach (AUT) at 09 am he arrived in Grainau (GER) less than 7 hours later. Reiter's victorious time of 6:49.56 hours beat his own record set the previous year which he commented on in his trademark unassuming manner. „Clearly I wanted to beat the time I set last year but I was surprised that by the first catering stop I had no immediate competitors on my heels. I'm happy that it went so well today“.
Reiter arrived nearly 30 minutes ahead of second-placing Anton Philip (GER) who spent a total of 7:20.49 hours on the trail. The 43-year-old, a usual suspect for podium positions, started in the Master Men category but managed to leave most younger competitors well behind.
Florian Stelzle (GER) was the only potential threat for Anton Philip over the course of the day arriving in Grainau in third-place after 7:39.00 hours on the trail.
Results of the 2012 Supertrail categories
Philip Reiter's overall victory automatically claimed him the top-podium position among the Men. Anton Philip of Berglaufteam Haglöfs triumphed among the Master Men (40+ years of age). Rudi Schöpf (ITA), in turn, rejoiced over his victorious time of 9:13.43 hours and a sizeable lead over all other Senior Master Men (50+ years of age).
Among the Women, Simone Philipp (GER) was good for a surprise as she not only defended previous year's Master Women title with her time of 9:12.38 hours, but also managed to claimed overall victory among all Women with that performance. Arriving side-by-side in 9:25.423 hours, Sabine Kraus (GER) and Gerti Ott (GER) both claimed second place among the Master women leaving the third podium position unoccupied.
An overwhelmed Emily Hargreaves (ENG) claimed first place in the Women category after 10:13.33 hours of trail-running. By the end of a very successful day in the mountains, the 34-year-old had extended an early-on lead over her most immediate competitor to remarkable 38 minutes.