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 . бг ски бягане новини
25 February 2013 - 21:53
Пепи Панков участва в легендарното Stowe Derby във Вермонт, САЩ
Снежните богове докараха обилен сняг за 68-то издание на най-старото в Северна Америка състезание по даунхил ски бягане
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СКИ БЯГАНЕ. Българският олимпиец в северните дисцплини от 1968 (Франция), 1972 (Япония) и 1976 (Австрия), национален треньор, доскорошен ръководител на Направление ски бягане към БФСки и един от най-дейните специалисти, способствали за развитието на ски бягането в България - г-н Петър Панков от Бояна, участва през изминалия уийкенд в 68-то издание на легендарното и най-старо в Северна Америка състезание по даунхил ски бягане "Стоу Дерби" в планинския курорт Стоу (Вермонт, САЩ).

Bulgarian Peter Pankov skis back to the lodge a the Stowe Mountian Resort Nordic Center on Monday, Photo by Glenn Callahan

Участваха общо 644 регистрирани скиори - любители на снега, които Майката Природа възнагради с много обилен снеговалеж през седмицата преди легендарното състезание. Стоу дерби е нещо повече от едно ски състезание, това е най-вълнуващото ски приключение, което всеки почитател на северните дисциплини трябва да изпита. Тази година състезанието се проведе по традиционния си маршрут, започващ от билото на Mt.Mansfield Auto Toll Road и завършващ в селището Стоу, на около 20км надолу по пътя.

Derby Madness, Photo by Mike Hitelman Photography

Състезателите в "дербито" могат да избират между свободен стил или класически стил, или пък да участват и в двете състезания, класирайки се в "Derby Meister". Атлетите също може да участват като част от четиричленен отбор, както и семейно, а също така има и кратка 5-километрова дистанция.

Един от 28-те участници в мъжкото "Derby Meister" беше Петър Панков, който пристигна в Stowe по покана и със спонсорството на инж. Иван Пелов - бивш скиор от МЕИ (ТУ-София), който сега е един от видните жители на американското курортно селце Стоу. Иван посрещна Пепи в Ню Йорк, след което се насладиха на няколко незабравими дни заедно в Северна Америка.

Peter Pankov and Ivan Pelov in New York, Photo by Ivan Pelov (благодарим на Минко Минков за изпратената фотография и информация)

От местния вестник на селището Стоу - Stowe Reporter - публикуваха специален материал за "българския олимпиец Пепи Панков" преди състезанието, което се проведе тази неделя, 24-ти февруари 2013 г. По-долу ще откриете препечатка на материала в оригинал на английски език. Очаквайте скоро личните впечатления на Петър Панков от "Стоу Дерби" и пътуването му из Северна Америка в специално интервю за SKI.BG !

Racing in the woods of Stowe, Vermont during the 2013 Stowe Derby. Photo by Curtis Savard Photography

Преди да прочетете още подробности за провелото се състезание в оригинал на английски език, ще отбележим, че в своята възрастова група (мъже 60-69.г) Петър Панков завърши 3-ти както в свободния стил, така и в класическия стил, съответно от 7 и 13 участника. От всички 290 атлети в дългата дистанция свободен стил той завърши 207-ми, в общото класиране на класиката финишира 47-ми от 187 бегачи, а в общото класиране "Derby Meister" (свободен стил + класически стил) Пепи е 24-ти!

Използваме възможността да поздравим Петър Панков и да му пожелаем да поддържа все така своето здраве, дух и ентусиазъм!

26 февруари 2013 г.

Snow Gods deliver for the 68th Stowe Derby - the oldest downhill/cross-country ski race in North America

Every year brings it own set of challenges and rewards, and despite all the uncontrollable factors that had organizers scramble for quick solutions, the 68th running of the Stowe Derby will go down as one of the most Epic Derby’s of the decade. The 68th Annual Stowe Derby ski race happens this Sunday, Feb. 24, 2013.

Skier making his "mark" at bridge ten for the Stowe lower valley descent into town. Photo by Curtis Savard Photography

The numbers were strong at 644 registered skiers and the spirits were higher than ever after Mother Nature finally rewarded skiers and snow lovers with much appreciated snow in the week leading to the legendary race. The Stowe Derby is more than a ski race, it is the most exciting ski experience to be had. This year, the race was held on its traditional route, starting at the top of Mt. Mansfield’s Auto Toll Road and ending in the Village of Stowe, some 20 km down the road.

Little legs taking "huge strides" on the course of the Stowe, Derby. Photo by Curtis Savard Photography

Derby racers can choose between the freestyle or classic division, or ski both courses in the “Derby Meister.”

Competitors can also enter as part of a four-person team, and for families, there is a 5k short course along the rec path.

© Over And Above Aerial Photography

Who skis the Derby Meister? Folks like Ivan Pevlov’s friend Peter Pankov, who is a race commentator on Bulgarian television, a three-time Olympian, and a former Olympic coach for the Bulgarian Nordic team (See related story).

The trails were in the best of shape having been perfectly manicured by an army of groomers from Stowe Mountain Cross Country Center, Nordic Barn, Trapp Family Lodge and Stowe Park and Recreation. The road crossings were manned by members of the Stowe Rotary and the MMSC. Sincere thanks to the many drivers who were inconvenienced by the increased traffic and wait at the road intersections.

Nordic team skiers from UVM, Middlebury, BOW, and McGill came in force as well as High School racers from all over Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachussetts. Many locals such as Cap Chenoweth, Alan Thorndike and Cindy McKechnie returned to add one more year to their tally. Many others such as Stowe’s Gene Nichols, Karen Akins and Pat von Trapp gave the race a try for the first time. All crossed the finish line with a big smile, hopefully an indication of their fun Derby experience and desire to return in the future years!
In the Skate race, Eli Enman edged his closest rival and took the gold with a time of 46:27. Fabian Stocek, 17, of the Czech Republic and a Senior at Holderness School was only 0.01 back at 46:28 to collect a silver. Evan Dethier, of Williamstown, MA completed the leader board with a 46:30. Eric Tremble was fourth 46:39 and Adam Terko rounded up the top five with a 47:55.
On the women’s side, Caitlin Curran skied to gold in only 52:40, Kathy Maddock was second with a 52:40 and Kaitlin Fink of Bedfor, ME was close behind in third with a 55:06. Mary Stewart was fourth and Metzi Anderson fifth.
The Classic race was won by Evan Dethier, of GMVS in 51:04, followed by Fabian Stocek, 17, of Holderness School in 51:21. Tom Thurston of Waterbury captured the bronze in 53:21. Topher Sabot and Eli Enman rounded up the top five.
On the women’s side, VTXC Caitlin Curran once again stole the show for the women stopping the clock at 59:40. Hannah Miller, 17 of Elmore VT was second with 1:03.16 and Kathy Maddock of Wilton NH, finished third in 1:04.45. Stowe’s Mary Stewart and Ruth McGovern were 4th and 5th respectively.

I just loved how this red one-piece stands out in the morning woods. Photo by Curtis Savard Photography
The Derby Meister Title went to Caitlin Curran and Evan Dethier. The EverBank team Challenge went to Ski Rack’s Liz and Jake Hollenback, Spike Clayton and Katherine Kjelleren. A very special recognition to the youngest team from Waterbury Center, “Ski like a girl and win”, Phoebe Sweet, Callie Young, Madeline Strasser and Avery Ellis and to the Meister team winners, Carrie Nourjian, daughter Ashley Morton, Ben Léveillé and Benoit Ouellette. 

Derby Madness, Photo by Mike Hitelman Photography

A great day of racing concluded at the Commodores Inn where the gracious hosts Carrie and Bruce Nourjian served a delicious feast to all the hungry skiers.
Derby organizers would like to sincerely thank everyone (and you are too numerous to all name) who contributed to the success of the race. Stowe Mountain Resort, Trapp Family Lodge, the Nordic Barn, TopNotch Resort, Stowe Parks and Rec, the Mt. Mansfield Ski Club. The Stowe Rotary, the Commodores Inn, the Stowe Reporter, Stowe High School, Stowe Police, Stowe Rotary. Sincere thanks to Jim Fredericks for announcing, starters Lori Furrer and Milan Stojanovic, Audrey Bernstein and Deb Drinkwater, and timer Tom Kendall.

Finally, thanks to all the participants who make this event so special and unique. Please send us your best pictures of post them on the Stowe Derby Facebook page. Let the good memories last a while.

Derby Madness, Photo by Mike Hitelman Photography
See you all next year on February 23rd, 2014. Always on the last Sunday of February.
The 2013 Stowe Derby is brought to you by: Concept2, EverBank, Copley Hospital and Mansfield Orthopaedics, PAR Springer-Miller, Stowe Mountain Resort, Louis Garneau, The Stowe Reporter, Nordic Barn, Darn Tough Vermont, Hammer Nutrition, Clif Bars, Salomon, Rossignol, The Commodores Inn, Skida, Trapp Family Lodge, Vermont Smoked and Cured, Laughing Moon Chocolates, Vermont Natural Water, Food Should Taste Good, Faster Skier, Find and Go Seek, Labatt’s, Cabot Cheese, Honest Tea, Ski Rack, Seventh Generation, and PowerShift.

by Pascale Savard
Monday, 25 February 2013 16:04
by Amy Kolb Noyes
Stowe Reporter
Thursday, February 21, 2013 12:00 pm

Bulgarian Olympian in Derby

As ever, the legendary Stowe Derby will have some international flavor this year. Bulgarian Olympian and Eurosport TV commentator Peter “Pepi” Pankov will be among the racers in this weekend’s event.

Peter Pankov in the yurt at the Stowe Mountain Resort Nordic Center on Monday, Photo by Glenn Callahan

“I want to win of course!” Pankov told the Stowe Reporter this week.

Pankov, 68, was a Nordic Olympic competitor for the Bulgarian national team in 1968 (France), 1972 (Japan) and 1976 (Austria). From 1980-84, he coached the national team. Though he never won any medals (“I finished in the 20s,” he said), he is a well-known competitor in his home country.

Now retired as a national competitor, he still organizes and races in events in the Balkan region and throughout Europe.

Animated, humble and very friendly, Pankov was very excited for the event.

“This is perfect,” he said of the Stowe Derby, which will take place this Sunday. The iconic race begins at the top of the lifts on Mt. Mansfield and runs down the Toll Road and all the way into Stowe Village. “This is going to be a real challenge.”

Pankov was persuaded to compete by long-time friend and fellow Bulgarian Ivan Pelov, who owns a home in Stowe. Pankov has been training for the past few days in Stowe and has checked out the course.

It’s the first time Pankov has visited the United States, and he said he was impressed with how popular Nordic skiing is here.

“In Bulgaria it’s more popular to ski Alpine,” he said. “We Nordic skiers aren’t always liked by the Alpine skiers.”

Pankov is now working as a commentator for the Bulgarian language Eurosport broadcasts of Nordic skiing competitions.

“It’s an opportunity to educate the masses in the beauty of this sport,” he said. “I like to point out the little details.”

Though it was tough for Pankov to get his equipment to the United States (the cost of transporting it was prohibitive) he found help in an old friend — Pepa Miloucheva, a legendary Bulgarian skier in her own right and a coach at the Craftsbury Outdoor Center. Miloucheva lent Pankov a pair of skis for the event.

One thing making the Derby extra special for Pankov?

“It started the year I was born,” he said.

By Nathan Burgess
Stowe Reporter
Thursday, February 21, 2013 12:00 pm

The Oldest Downhill/Cross-Country Ski Race in North America

The Stowe Derby is one of the oldest and most unique ski races in North America.  It started in 1945 as a personal challenge between two amazing skiers - Austrian, Sepp Ruschp who was hired to come to America and head the new ski school at Stowe and Erling Strom, world famous mountaineer from Norway.  The challenge was the same as it is today - to race from the top of Mt. Mansfield, Vermont's highest peak to the historic village of Stowe... on ONE pair of skis! The ultimate test of a skiers ability.  Ruschp was the winner of the first Stowe Derby.
Today, the race attracts over 900 competitors, ranging from Canadian Cross Country Ski Team members and NCAA Champions to recreational skiers looking for a thrill. While the race can be very competitive at all levels, it is also a fun race, having been chosen as one of the top sporting events in the state by readers of Vermont Sports Magazine.
Over the course, participants ski through 20km of challenging terrain, racing down Mt. Mansfield's Toll Road and along the entire length of the Stowe Recreation Path before reaching the finish in the village.  The course has a total vertical drop of over 2,600 feet.  The winners will complete the course in under 45 minutes, while recreational skiers can take a couple of hours to go the same distance.

Stowe Derby

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