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11 Юни 2011 - 21:05
Принцът на Монако Албер II присъства на благотворителния футболен мач на Star Team for the Children
На стадион Луи II в Монако победители бяха отборният дух и благотворителността
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БЛАГОТВОРИТЕЛНОСТ. На 24-ти май на стадион "Луи II" в Монако се състоя футболният мач между отбора на звездите "A.S. Star Team for the Children" и отбора на пилотите от Формула 1 "ASS Ne Mondiale Pilotes F1". Почетен капитан на тима на звездите беше лично Н.пр. Принц Албер II, а начело на отбора на пилотите - двукратният световен шампион във Формула 1 Фернандо Алонсо.

The 'Star Team for Children' charity football match at Louis II stadium (Photo by Nazionale Piloti)

Team Captain Fernando Alonso (Photo by Nazionale Piloti)

Независимо от крайния резултат (5:3 за отбора на пилотите), нищо не можеше да помрачи прекрасното представление, което изпълниха задружно всички на терена и най-важното беше постигнато - приходите от събитието ще бъдат дарени за възстановяване на църквата на Порт о Пренс в Хаити. Трихилядната публика на трибуните видя множество звезди, както и много интересни спортни моменти. Сред футболистите на терена се открояваха имена като Себастиан Фетел, Фелипе Маса, Нико Розберг, Витали Петров, Хайме Алгерсуари, Ярно Трули, Сергио Перез, Джанфранко Фисикела и т.н.

Prince Albert of Monaco attends the 'Star Team for Children' charity football match with his nephew Pierre Casiraghi and niece Princess Alexandra of Hanover at Louis II stadium. (May 24, 2011 - Photo by Nazionale Piloti)

ASS Ne Mondiale Pilotes F1 (Photo by Nazionale Piloti)

Mario Di Natale and Prince Albert of Monaco (Photo by Nazionale Piloti)

Интересна подробност е, че логото на българския зимен курорт Банско беше поставено върху две големи пана на стадиона и върху рекламите и билетите за мача. Жестът е лично от Принца на Монако, във връзка с това, че българският курорт ще бъде домакин на следващото състезание, организирано от фондацията на Н.пр. Принц Албер II.

(Photo by Nazionale Piloti)

От 25-ти до 27-ми януари 2012 г. в Банско ще се състои 6-тото издание на благотворителното шоу World Star Ski Event, което трябваше да проведе миналия март, но беше отложено заради кончината на принцеса Антоанет, лелтя на Принц Албер II. Много е вероятно тогава в Банско да дойде и легендарният седемкратен световен шампион във Формула 1 Михаел Шумахер. Както е добре известно, освен уникален пилот, "Шуми" е и запален скиор, така че би бил силен коз в ски отбора на Принц Албер II.


Prince Albert II of Monaco attends the Star Team for Children charity football match in Montecarlo
At Louis II stadium the winners are the team spirit and the charity

CHARITY. The match between Nazionale Piloti and Star Team for the Children finishes with the final result of 5-3: a bad result that doesn’t change the fantastic job that all drivers made in the field.

Prince Albert II de Monaco of Star Team for Children, left and Giancarlo Fisichella of Formula One Drivers team , hold their trophys during the charity soccer match, in Monaco stadium,Tuesday, May 24, 2011. The match was set up for the benefit of Association Centenary of the Cathedral of Monaco, to rebuild the church of Port au Prince, Haiti. (Photo by AP)

The 3.000 people in the stadium can watch a lot of stars but also good sportive moments: first of all the entry of the two teams and the two team anthems: Italy and Monaco. Then the kick-off of the President Mario Di Natale. First goal is for Giancarlo Fisichella at 2’ of the first half, the second goal is given by Fernando Alonso and the temporary 3-2 is thanks to Sergio Perez. It seemed perfect but, with the accident of Sandro Cois that has worried everyone, the Star Team for the Children goes in goal twice winning the match.

SAS Prince Albert II de Monaco of Star Team for Children, center, enters on the field, at the beginning of the charity soccer match against Formula One Drivers team, in Monaco stadium,Tuesday, May 24, 2011. The match was set up for the benefit of the Association Centenary of the Cathedral of Monaco, to rebuild the church of Port au Prince, Haiti. (Photo by AP)

At Louis II Stadium of Montecarlo it is an important moment to celebrate the first 30 years of activity. In fact in this long period 200 matches have been organized with a lot of victories but first of all with the result to have devolved in charity 15 millions of Euro. Great results thanks to the passion of the President Mario Di Natale.

The 'Star Team for Children' charity football match at Louis II stadium. (May 24, 2011 - Photo by Bauer Griffin)

Another important moment is given by the celebration of the 70th birthday of Mario Di Natale, a great and important result. Also in hotel, the President has received a great surprise: in fact Britta Roeske, spokeswoman and personal assistant of Sebastian Vettel gives a good cake with two photos of Sebastian Vettel with dedication and autograph.

At the end of the first time all the drivers were around the President on the field: a way to remember the importance of Mario Di Natale for the team and for the foundation. At the end of the second time, in the dressing room, there was the final celebration with all the drivers who strengthen the affective link between them.

At the end of the match, with the Prince Albert II, there is the prize ceremony with the event cups and the delivery of the cups realized by Sartor Coppe to every driver with the logo of Nazionale Piloti.

Prince Albert of Monaco attends the 'Star Team for Children' charity football match with his nephew Pierre Casiraghi and niece Princess Alexandra of Hanover at Louis II stadium. (May 24, 2011 - Photo by Bauer Griffin)

Prince Albert of Monaco attends the 'Star Team for Children' charity football match at Louis II stadium. (May 24, 2011 - Photo by Bauer Griffin)

Prince Albert of Monaco attends the 'Star Team for Children' charity football match at Louis II stadium. (May 24, 2011 - Photo by Bauer Griffin)

At the end of the event drivers go to the hotel Marriott for the tradition dinner that close the evening: a mundane moment in which a lot of food and music strengthen again the spirit of the team between the drivers.

Nazionale Piloti wants to thank all drivers for coming to the match: a bench with a lot of driver is a sign of the importance of the event for the drivers. Not only for the “the old players” such as Riccardo Patrese, Ivan Capelli, Maro Engel, Matteo Munari, Emanuele Pirro, Gabriele Tarquini, Christian Montanari, Kristian Ghedina, Giancarlo Fisichella and the F1 champions of today like Felipe Massa, Fernando Alonso, Vitaly Petrov, Vitantonio Liuzzi, Jarno Trulli but also by the strong and young drivers such as Jaime Alguersuari, Sergio Perez, Ricardo Teixeira, Johnny Cecotto, Nico Hulkenberg, Stefano Coletti, Sam Bird, Alberto Valerio, Jules Bianchi and the very young drivers like Cesar Ramos, Raffaele Marciello and Daniil Move.

Thanks of the team go to fans: they permit to have 30.000 € to devolved to AMADE, Association Mondiale des Amis de l’Enfance founded in 1963 by the Princess Grace of Monaco, and to LILT – the Lega Italiana Contro i Tumori ( The thanks of the team go to the MainSponsor Grissinbon, to the Second Sponsor Le 5 Stagioni, the technical sponsor Virma, to the official supplier Sartor Coppe and to drivers and in particular to every driver who doesn’t go to the field or played for some minutes.

Next match with Nazionale Piloti will be next 20 July in Frankfurt against Bigg All Stars.

Nazionale Piloti
25 of May, 2011

SAS Prince Albert II de Monaco of Star Team for Children, face, plays football with children during the charity soccer match against a Formula One Drivers team, in Monaco stadium,Tuesday, May 24, 2011. The match was set up for the benefit of the Association Centenary of the Cathedral of Monaco, to rebuild the church of Port au Prince, Haiti. (Photo by AP)

SAS Prince Albert II de Monaco of Star Team for Children, left, speaks with Bob Sinclar of Star Team for Children, during their charity soccer match against Formula One Drivers team, in Monaco stadium,Tuesday, May 24, 2011. The match was set up for the benefit of AMADE (World Association of Childrens Friends), a Monaco-based association, which helps the disadvantaged children in all over the world. (Photo by AP)

Prince Albert of Monaco attends the 'Star Team for Children' charity football match with his nephew Pierre Casiraghi and niece Princess Alexandra of Hanover at Louis II stadium. (May 24, 2011 - Photo by Bauer Griffin)

Prince Albert of Monaco attends the 'Star Team for Children' charity football match with his nephew Pierre Casiraghi and niece Princess Alexandra of Hanover at Louis II stadium. (May 24, 2011 - Photo by Bauer Griffin)

The 'Star Team for Children' charity football match at Louis II stadium. (May 24, 2011 - Photo by Bauer Griffin)

(Photo by Nazionale Piloti)


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